If possible, re-download or re-transfer the file from USB or SD card, or if received via email, ask the sender to reattach and send the files again.

The best way to recover 0 byte files is to obtain it again from the source. This post brings the 7 best methods to restore 0 byte files in Windows 10, 8, or 7, making them accessible again. Regardless of the cause of 0 byte error, if the photos, videos, or documents are important, you cannot afford to lose them. Incomplete file transfer, download, or upload.Hard drive or removable drive corruption.Here are some of the common causes of 0 byte files problem:
There can be other reasons, such as malware in the system or sudden interruption during file download that leaves the action incomplete. Generally, 0 byte file is a result of file or storage drive corruption. So why your correct file suddenly becomes 0 byte? If photos, videos, audio, Word documents, Excel, PDFs, etc., show 0 KB, you won’t be able to open, read, or write that file. As a result, 0 byte file is inaccessible, and there’s always a fear of losing such files forever. Unlike a usual file that contains data and is of certain kilobytes or megabytes, a 0 byte file reveals there’s no data. When I try to open the files, it says invalid pictures.
‘I had a few photos in my Windows PC that have now become 0 bytes files.